Dishin' Dirt with Gary Pickren

Dishin' Dirt on 10 Ways NAR Can Stop Sucking & Why You Should Support SC Realtors and Local Associations

Season 4 Episode 193

I have had many conversations with Realtors who espouse their anger over how things are being run at NAR. In fact 62% of Realtors in a national poll have stated so.  Today I offer Ten "suggestions" for NAR that will help it suck less.  

In providing this list it is done with a belief that NAR is probably the only group standing between you and the morons in the government screwing you more.  And it is also done with a belief in the value of SCR and the local associations. 

Let me know what your thoughts are. Hopefully NAR will start to make the necessary changes to win back its members. 

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* Gary serves on the South Carolina Real Estate Commission as a Commissioner. The opinions expressed herein are his opinions and are not necessarily the opinions of the SC Real Estate Commission. This podcast is not to be considered legal advice. Please consult an attorney in your area.